The How Zone

About The How Zone

The How Zone

Many memories from childhood involve taking things apart. There's the memory of shiny, interesting shaped clock parts scattered across a table and Mom asking when I was going to put it back together.

Back together? Interesting...

The How Zone is an attempt to share that love for taking things apart and, yes, even putting them back together. How things work, how to make things, how to fix things, and hopefully have some fun along the way.

Right now The How Zone is solely run and paid for by myself. To help offset the costs of running it you will find ads along the sidebar. I run Google Adsense ads because I feel they provide the best value for everyone.

With articles I've written before I would often research and include links to sites with supplies or parts. But the internet is always changing and these links innevitably move or die, leading readers to send email asking where they can find a new source. Hopefully with AdSense in place this task is done automatically for both of us.

Feel free to click the "Contact THowZ" link in the sidebar and let me know what you think.

Thanks for stopping by.


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